
উপনীত হ (Assamese) [ Roman: u.po.nit ho]
1. (Verb-Intran.) to come from somewhere else to be present at the current location কোনো স্থানত গৈ উপস্থিত হ
English: arrive,
Assamese: আহি পা, উপনীত হ,
Bodo: सोफैनाय,
Kok-Borok: sokphai,
Dimasa: sopai,
Deori: চ্চুকু

Different POS:

a. Abstract Noun-Neuter: arrival, আগমন, नुजाथि, सफैनाय, ka jingpoi...
b. Proper Adj.-Common: arrived, present, আগত, উপগত, উপনীত...